Do you really want THAT job?
The Momentum Files #4
Getting clear on what matters most to you.
When you’re deep into a job search, or even just beginning to consider pursuing a new role, you want any new opportunity. You want something better. You want to be chosen.
But …
When you are running hard towards your goal, it is ineffective (and a waste of time and energy!) if you’re running towards a goal that you don’t really want.
Before you go any further – whether you’re seeking your next job, your next role within your current company or your next project – I’d like you to pause and spend a few minutes getting crystal clear about what you see as the most important aspects to YOU in your next opportunity.
Let’s start with the job search theme.
When I asked my Career Club members to share what they most want in a new job, I heard things like:
I want my skills to be maximized.
I want to feel appreciated.
I want to be appropriately compensated.
I want to commute less than 20 minutes each way.
I want balance, not only work/life balance but in my relationships and life.
I want a supportive culture where I will be recognized for my hard work and success.
I want my work to be engaging, challenging and satisfying.
I want a management team that I respect and trust.
I want to enjoy my time away from work and not always be on call.
Do any of these sound familiar? I’ll bet at least some do. And if they don’t, if they’re not what you value most, that is perfectly ok.
It’s often eye-opening to hear what other people want in a new job as it can help you realize what you want in a new job.
So, here’s a challenge for you. Make a list of what you most want in a job. It doesn’t matter how long or short. So long as it accurately reflects those things that are most important to you.
(You don’t have to be in a job search for this to be useful. Think about your current role. Are there things you wish were different? Better? Use this in your next performance review or to ask to take on a new project or client.)
Once you have your list, it’s time to go deeper.
Let’s take it to the next level so that you gain a ton of clarity and form a detailed picture in your mind of what these important job aspects actually look like. I want you to be able to articulate it and actually SEE it. That’s how you’ll start to instantly recognize these key aspects (or their absence) when seeking your next job.
How do you take it to the next level?
(Here’s where the real work comes in. I know you can do it, and the payoff is huge.)
Keeping that list you created in front of you, choose one item to start. Let’s say the most important thing to you is to feel appreciated.
What does being appreciated look like to you? Remember, you want to paint a picture in your head so clear you can see it.
I’ll give you an example. A company tells you that they show appreciation by having a foosball table set up in the employee lounge and scheduling Friday night happy hours. How do you feel? Does this make you want to sign that contract or roll your eyes? Some people will love this and see it as a way to build community. Others will find that these types of benefits just don’t matter to them.
Remember, we all prioritize our needs and wants differently. And that is ok! This exercise is to help you get in touch with what matters most to you so that you can chase down those goals that will truly make you happy and fulfilled.
Back to appreciation. For you, perhaps the picture you see in your mind is being handed a bonus check for your above and beyond efforts. It could be as simple as an occasional pat on the back or acknowledgment. You might feel appreciated when management makes you feel heard when you share original ideas or points of view.
See how this works?
By asking yourself these questions - and deeply and candidly answering with what is most important to you - you get more clear on what you are seeking.
Ready? Here’s that challenge again:
Create a list of the things you most want in a job.
Go deeper by asking yourself what each outcome ideally looks like. Paint that mental picture and actually see how it looks. Get specific!
Start running hard towards those goals that align beautifully with what matters most to you.
When you get clear on these non-negotiable aspects of a new job, you’ll never again waste time or energy on what doesn’t ultimately serve your needs.
And when you sit and think, “Do I really want THAT job?” – the answer will be clear.
I hope that you’ll jump into this exercise and then reply and let me know what tops your list!
To Your Success!
Cindy Haba
P.S. Doing this deep work is hard but so worth it! This is why I’m offering you a FREE call to candidly discuss your goals and how I can help you advance faster and easier. Click here to book!