What are you tolerating right now?
The Momentum Files #8
I bet that at this very moment you can think of at least one or two things that you’ve been tolerating.
It might be something big like someone’s rude behavior or a boss who insists on meeting at 4pm every Friday. It could be something small like that cluttered garage you’ve been meaning to organize for months now.
While there are things that we simply have to live with (at least temporarily), we often tolerate things thinking doing so will make our day-to-day easier. But what you’re tolerating right now could be costly to you – to your health, your productivity, your happiness. Even the small things add up and can prove taxing.
Here’s what I love about tolerations (those irritating, energy-zapping things that you’re putting up with – but don’t have to). You can change them. You can choose to fix them. Solve them. Eliminate them. And remembering that you have that choice brings back your energy to say – I’m not going to tolerate this anymore.
How would that feel for you?
Here’s a simple and eye-opening exercise that will help you to identify your tolerations and figure out how to transform or eliminate them in a way that is intentional, sustainable and super empowering.
Grab a piece of paper and pen.
Without overthinking, make a list of 3 – 5 things that you’re currently tolerating. Think anything - big or small - in your life (work, personal, home, relationships, self).
Take action where you can.
Once you have your list, identify which tolerations can be fixed, solved or changed. It might be as simple as buying some WD-40 to finally fix that squeaky chair. It could be hiring a professional organizer to transform an anxiety-inducing cluttered space into a peaceful retreat. You might see an opportunity to put a system, structure, routine or boundary in place to begin to transform your toleration into something that actually works for you.
Think about how these changes will make you feel.
Whether you decide to raise your standards and be a person who no longer tolerates toxic behavior or take action to pull yourself out of a job that you hate – or simply implement a system that helps you to stop procrastinating - take a moment to imagine how making these changes will feel. When you set up your life now for who you want to be moving forward, you get back energy, time, joy, pride and an undeniable sense of accomplishment – even when it comes to those seemingly small things.
Imagine what you could do with that!
I guarantee there will be things on your list that you don’t have to keep tolerating. Don’t let them steal your energy and power.
Take action on just one item this week and tell me how you feel!
I really want to hear about your experience and what you’ve found the most eye-opening.
To Your Success!
Cindy Haba
P.S. Did you know that I offer a coaching group called Career Club? This high-energy group of professionals meets virtually each week to talk all things career, professional development and personal and professional growth. Will you join us?