This is so much bigger than a job search.
The Momentum Files #27
Get what you want now… and later.
“Wow! This job search is the most exciting and exhilarating thing I’ve done in years!”
Who said this again?
Oh, that’s right.
Absolutely no one.
Mastering the job search process is undoubtedly important. It takes careful planning, sharp focus, steady confidence and smart strategizing. And while transitioning into something new can be a great thing, I wouldn’t call the process itself exciting.
Here’s what I think is exciting.
Going beyond a job search and getting clear on your professional development plan. Your professional development plan is so much bigger – and so much deeper - than what you want right now. It’s what sets you up for short and long-term success and fulfillment.
I want to help you visualize your ideal professional development plan – painting a clear picture of what you want, what you don’t want and all the things you need to make it happen.
Visualization is a powerful tool that trains your brain to identify what you want and speeds up the process of finding what you’re looking for.
(Have you ever decided what car you want to buy… and then suddenly started seeing that car on the road all the time? That’s the power of visualization.)
Set aside time to delve into the following questions… visualizing your answers in as much detail as you can (what you see, hear, feel, etc.).
Going beyond a job search and getting clear on your professional development plan. Your professional development plan is so much bigger – and so much deeper - than what you want right now. It’s what sets you up for short and long-term success and fulfillment.
I want to help you visualize your ideal professional development plan – painting a clear picture of what you want, what you don’t want and all the things you need to make it happen.
Visualization is a powerful tool that trains your brain to identify what you want and speeds up the process of finding what you’re looking for.
(Have you ever decided what car you want to buy… and then suddenly started seeing that car on the road all the time? That’s the power of visualization.)
Set aside time to delve into the following questions… visualizing your answers in as much detail as you can (what you see, hear, feel, etc.).
(This isn’t an exercise you can do in one minute, so don’t pressure yourself to come up with all the answers right away! Come back to this exercise as often as you need to until you’re crystal clear on what you want… and how you can get it.)
Let’s start with where you’re at right now!
→ What do you love?
→ How can you bring more of what you love into your world?
→ What are you good at doing – and enjoy?
→ What are you good at doing – but don’t enjoy?
→ What do you love to do - but need to improve your skills? Think about what your future self might require you to learn.
→ How can you prepare for future roles? What skills and abilities do you need (leadership, tech training, behavioral skills, etc.)?
→ Who do you want to serve?
→ What environment do you prefer to engage in?
Now let’s pull in some thinking about your future self.
→ What does your next position look like? What about the one after that? Think about short and long-term goals.
→ Work backwards and map out your strategy steps. For example, if you see yourself living and working in Paris 5 years from now… what can you start doing today? Maybe…
→ Learning French
→ Connecting with people in Paris who are in your desired industry.
→ Learning the culture.
→ Who do you want to work with? What do they look like? How do they dress? How do they act? How do they talk to colleagues? How do you feel around them?
→ What are you reading, eating, enjoying and wearing 5 years from now?
→ What’s keeping you motivated, excited and fulfilled?
And this is a big one. When visualizing the professional world you want to live in, make sure you’re measuring yourself against the Gain… not the Gap. This means you’re measuring yourself against who and where you were when you set your goals… to who and where you are once you’ve achieved them. It’s a super cool concept that you can discover here.
Your professional development plan goes so much deeper than a job search or career transition. When you visualize your plan, you’ll start to instantly recognize whether an opportunity fits into your ideal professional world.
You’ll feel when something is in alignment with your goals and desires… and when it’s right to walk away.
When you paint a clear picture of what you want - and how you can make it happen – that’s when things get exciting!
Reply and share your favorite part of this exercise (or where you’re getting stuck)! I’ll personally reply and help you!